Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Am A Fictioneer

The venerated organization of scribblers known as the Fictioneers have accepted a new member into their stalwart ranks.
It's me.
Check out the society on their webpage:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Pill Hill Press has released Patented DNA- A Catastrophic Clone Collection.
Thirty fictional short stories about the speculative consequences of human cloning. Includes stories by John Walters, Eric Dimbleby, Mark Souza, Diana Catt, Tony Schaab, Frank Roger, Miguel Lopez de Leon, Stephanie L. Morrell, Jonny Kelly, Glenn Lewis Gillette, Ross Baxter, Mark Taylor, Matt Nord, Jason Barney, Martin T. Ingham, Michael W. Garza, Kevin Bloomfield, William Wood, Marianne Halbert, Shane McKenzie, David C. Renfrow, Alethea Kontis, Rachel Bailey, Larry Lefkowitz, A.D. Spencer, Ellie Garratt, Shawn Cook, Scott Taylor, Ben Langdon & Matt Carter.
Click Here to Purchase From Amazon

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Get Skive Now

The August issue of Skive Magazine is out. It's a vampire extravaganza, and includes some choice fiction from around the world, including a little something I did.
Here's where you get it-