Monday, January 24, 2011

Breakdown Ahead for Hydra Publications

Hydra Publications has announced the upcoming Steam Works anthology. Due out in early spring, it promises to be a raucous good time, so make sure you check it out when it comes 'round.
Here's the TOC-

Mr. Worthy’s Waltz – Mae Empson
The Great Campaign of 1882 – R. M. Anton
Mirror Image – Patricia Puckett
A Gun for Jebediah – A. D. Spencer
The Rustler – DL Thurston
Captain Smythe and the Great Copper Raid – J.M. Mendur
Breakdown – Scott Taylor
A Broken Watch – Tim Ford
Cloud Anchor – Brandon Shute
Steam Babies – Helen Branch

See? An exciting group of titles, don't you think?
How could you go wrong with a group of writers smart enough to come up with all those clever titles?