I am not this guy.
This Scott Taylor is a professor of at the University of St Thomas, which- get this- isn't even in the Virgin Islands. It's in Minnesota. And...I'm in Sarasota. So, similar, I guess.
Also, we both wear glasses and part our hair to one side.
But that is where the similarities end.
While I am an interesting, exciting person, this guy is the professor of some thing so boring I fell asleep just trying to read the description of what it is he does.
WARNING- pour yourself a strong cup of coffee before reading any further.
Per the university web site-
Taylor’s scholarship is wide ranging and includes articles on the taxation of captive insurance, integration of the corporate income tax, taxation in Indian Country, taxation of Indian gaming, innovations in legal education, harmonization of consumption taxes, and law and technology. Before joining the are you really still reading this. You really just need to skip to the next blog post now and learn about what the more interesting Scott Taylor is up to. I hear he's got a story coming out in Bete Noire soon, and if you do a Google search for Sevan Taylor, you are likely to run across an airship pirate who bears a strong resemblance to your favorite writer.
So there you have it.
One less Scott Taylor to worry about.