Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Skive Magazine Ca$hes in on Twilight

Skive: Verb, Infinitive to skive, Third person singular skives, Simple past skived

To avoid one's assigned work or duty. To slack off.

Skive Magazine will publish an August 2010 edition. If you open that August 2010 edition and turn to an as yet to be determined page, you will find a short story. The title of the story will be Club for Exceptional Gentlemen and the author's name will be Scott Taylor.
This is not a Scott I am not. It is a Scott I am. (It's me.)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Morning...Meh

An avatar every Monday, that's the promise. And Here is the delivery. I don't even know what to say, I half-assed it this week. (Your refund check is in the mail.)

Friday, July 16, 2010

By Mind or Metal is Up at Amazon

Static Movement's By Mind or Metal is finally available on Amazon.
This one has my story Perchance to Dream in it, which is one of my favorites. Will you like it? Well, you wont know unless you BUY THE BOOK.
(See what I did there? Subliminal.)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Insert Lame Clone Pun Here

Patented DNA: A Catastrophic Clone Collection has accepted my short story, Passing the Torch. This is another Pill Hill project, so look for good things from this one.
The Table of Contents is packed with some excellent storytellers, including Matt Nord, Shawn Cook, William Wood, Martin Ingham, Eric Dimbleby, Shane McKenzie, Mark Souza, and many, many more.

What? Monday Again?

Time for a steaming hot cup of morning avatar. Here's one from the good old days when men wore tweed and coffee was coffee flavored.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Scott Who I Am Not-

Until such time as name recognition kicks in, making Scott Taylor as easily recognizable
as Neil Gaiman or Stephen King, I have come to the conclusion that I had better clarify exactly which Scott Taylor I am. The least efficient way I can think of to do that is to disqualify all other Scott Taylors I run across.
So here's a Scott Taylor I am not.
I am not an Ex Navy Seal. (I was in the Army)
I do not shovel chicken poop. (I do pick up my dog's poop, though)
I did not lead a security mission that ensured the safety of U.S. citizens in Yemen during the Israel/Palestinian conflict in 2009. (Ummm...I got nothin')
So, while we are both ruggedly handsome ex-military dog lovers, this is a Scott who I am not.
My advice to this Scott Taylor would be to change your name now, or risk the embarrasment of being confused with the brilliant writer of the same name. (Me)
If you really must know more about the other Scott Taylor, go ahead and hit the link-

Monday, July 5, 2010

Here's What You've Been Waiting All Week For...

The Monday Morning Avatar! Kind of makes you wish you hadn't logged on at all, amirite?
This weeks avatar is brought to you from Scott Pilgrim vs The World.
Enjoy the week ahead.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Free Books! For Free!

Pill Hill Press is giving away books. Here's the deal- if you sign up for their bi-monthly e-newsletter, you are entered into a drawing for a free book once a month. And it don't cost nothin'!
Of course you will have to put up with fresh news of the greatest small press in the nation being delivered to your inbox twice a month. And then if you do win the drawing, you'll have the additional burden of reading all those terrific stories. On second thought, you shouldn't sign up at all.
So please, don't follow the link below, and don't enter to win-